How to make a healthy bar. Nut-cereal bars Cereal bars

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Very tasty and healthy cereal fruit bars will appeal not only to children, but also to adults, especially those who watch their diet. They are prepared with just three ingredients and are very simple. They are ideal for breakfast, afternoon tea or a snack.


To prepare cereal fruit bars we will need:

medium sweet apple - 3 pcs. (peeled and cored - 200 g);

sugar - 50 g (or to taste);

cereal 4 cereals (I have the brand "Yasno Solnyshko") - 60 g.

Cooking steps

Grate the peeled apples on a coarse grater, put in a microwave-safe container, add sugar, microwave at high power for 3 minutes, then remove, stir and put in again for 3 minutes - repeat this 2 more times, for a total of 9 minutes.

There is another way: cut the peeled apples into cubes, place on a baking sheet and bake in the oven until soft, puree with a blender, transfer to a saucepan, add sugar, put on medium heat and simmer for 30 minutes.

Mix the crushed flakes into the applesauce - you should get a thick mass.

Place it on a baking sheet lined with parchment in the form of a rectangle up to 1 cm thick.

Place in the oven and dry at 150 degrees for 40-50 minutes (be careful not to burn, lower the temperature if necessary). Then take it out, carefully cut it into several bars and cool completely.

Cereal bars are a great way to snack in a hurry and get the nutrients you need. They are also gaining popularity; in 2010, approximately 550 different grain bars could be found in the United States. Unfortunately, not all of them bought in supermarkets can be called healthy. Many contain too much sugar and sodium without the nutritional calories they need. They can also be very expensive. There are alternative and nutritious snack bars available.



  1. Decide when you will consume the bar. It may contain different components, depending on the time of use. The ingredients in a breakfast bar are typically different from those used in post-workout bars. This doesn't mean you shouldn't eat them at any time of the day; it will simply help you balance your diet to get the nutrients you need while you only have time for a quick snack.

    • In your breakfast bar, you should try to include protein, carbohydrates, fruit or vegetables and some vegetable fat. The bar should be large enough so that when you wash it down with a glass of milk you will remain full. The ideal weight for this healthy snack is between 42 and 70 grams.
    • For a post-exercise bar, you need a high protein (12-18 grams) and carbohydrate (50-75 grams) content.
    • For a regular energy bar at any time of the day, you should add ingredients that will fill you up until your next meal without adding unnecessary calories. A breakfast bar or a post-workout bar is great as a snack. Whole grains and protein will satisfy your hunger while eliminating sluggishness. It is very important to keep fat and sugar to a minimum to avoid being sleepy or tired.
  2. Select your grain. The bar may be a soft, chewy bar with a dense consistency or grainy and chewy (a chewy cereal bar).

    • To make a soft chewy bar, you need to use whole wheat flour. Good varieties include whole wheat flour, whole white wheat flour, multigrain flour, oat flour, or rye flour. They work well in both savory and sweet bars, and are also rich in nutritional fiber and vitamins. Since whole grain flour absorbs more water (not only during cooking, but also after baking), it is important to add more water than you would add if you were baking a recipe with white flour. This flour also contains more oils and produces a rancid "cardboard" smell much sooner than all-fine flour. To avoid this, use only fresh flour (be sure to check the manufacturing date on the package before purchasing) and keep it in an airtight container after opening. It will be more useful to buy small packages of flour so that it does not remain open for too long. You can also add oats, prepared quinoa, cooked rice, wheat bran and other grains to the mixture to change the texture and add energy value.
    • For grainy bars, you can use whole grains. However, instead of flour, use grains. Ingredients like quinoa and rice should be precooked, while oats, flax and hemp seeds can be used raw or toasted (when using oats, opt for instant oatmeal). If you are making a crispy slab, dry the quinoa a little in the oven. If you're adding rice, buy puffed rice cereal specifically for the crispy bar because it's cheap and much easier than making rice at home. Seeds and nuts are also great choices for adding variety and flavor to your bar, especially in both savory and sweet recipes. Consider almonds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds to add protein and vegetable fat to your bar.
  3. Choose your binder. The binder is the ingredient that will act as the adhesive in your tile.

    • Soft, chewy bars do not need a gluing agent because they are already dense in consistency, and flour holds them together even better.
    • For grainy bars, you will need a binder to hold the ingredients together. Try beans, soy flour, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, honey, milk chocolate, agave nectar, peanut butter, or almond butter.
    • Try to use ingredients that contain several beneficial properties; for example, peanut butter is a source of fat and protein that will hold your bar together perfectly.
    • When using beans, cook them, dry them and crush them before using and mixing with an astringent such as honey or almond butter.
    • All of these ingredients have a high level of energy value, play an important role in your bar, and contain macro- and micronutrients.
  4. Choose your sweetener.

    • Not all bars use sweetener, but if you do decide to add one, remember that it can also act as a gluing agent.
    • It's best to use liquid sweetener to make the bars, but it's not necessary. Granulated sugar or brown sugar can be used, but must first be melted and, for best results, mixed with butter to prevent it from hardening too quickly. The oil will also help it mix evenly with the other ingredients in your bar.
    • You can use artificial sweetener in your recipe as it is highly soluble in water; Sucralose is well suited for dry recipes as it has good water solubility.
  5. Decide on the filling. Toppings are ingredients added to enhance flavor and health benefits. Fillings are best used in pieces. They should be large and of the same size for better distribution.

    • Soy nuts are a great option for adding protein and crunch. Soy is one of the few plant foods that is composed entirely of protein; it satisfies all the amino acid needs of the human body. However, any nut is a good source of protein, even if it is not all protein, nuts contain many amino acids that help replenish energy and restore muscles.
    • It is not necessary to use products containing protein as additives, since the added cereals and astringent components will already contain it in the required quantity. For example, quinoa, flax and hemp seeds are 100% proteins. Moreover, the combination of several ingredients can produce large amounts of protein. For example, beans and rice are not absolute proteins, but when combined they become so.
    • Other suitable additions include edamame (unripe beans), cocoa nibs, dried fruit, raisins, nuts and seeds, dried vegetables and yogurt chunks. They are all healthy and add good aroma and taste.
    • Cranberry is very beneficial for both men and women as it helps prevent the formation of bacteria in the urinary tract.
    • Dark chocolate is uplifting and rich in antioxidants that add energy to your bar.
    • When making your bars, be sure not to add too much filling to them, otherwise it may prevent them from bonding well.
  6. Decide on spices.

    • Cinnamon is a classic flavor and also contains the highest level of antioxidants of any spice. This makes it good for you and also adds shelf life to your bars. When adding cinnamon to a soft chewy bar, use it sparingly as this will determine how well the bar bonds together.
    • Try other spices such as soybean powder or soy sauce, Worcestershire powder or sauce, cardamom, nutmeg, cloves.
    • Remember that they are concentrated and only a small amount needs to be added.
    • You can remove the spices from your recipe if you wish.

    Cooking methods

    1. Pre-prepare raw ingredients.

      • Some foods may need steaming, such as rice or carrots.
      • Some can be used dried or roasted, such as quinoa or oats.
      • Sugar and butter must be melted.
    2. Mix the ingredients. They should be mixed evenly.

      • When making a soft chewy bar, you will be adding ingredients to a dense batter. Make sure that the particles are evenly distributed and do not fall to the bottom of the tile.
      • If the filling you choose is too heavy, try breaking it into smaller pieces. Or try to dry it. For example, you can chop the walnuts into small pieces or dry them a little to ensure they stay evenly in your mixture.
    3. Bake the tiles. Most bars need to be baked well to seal all the ingredients together and ensure that all the raw starches cook properly.

      • Spread the mixture into the pie pan in a layer of desired thickness.
      • Set the oven temperature to approximately 175 degrees Celsius.
      • Baking time may vary depending on the type of bar being made.
      • For thick slabs, use a toothpick to determine doneness. Place a toothpick in the middle; if you take it out and there is no raw batter on it, the bar is ready. Bake the other bars until they reach your desired consistency, crispy or chewy.
      • Some tiles can be prepared very quickly and require no baking, but must be refrigerated; These are tiles that do not contain raw flour. A granola or peanut butter bar might be a great option.

It probably happens to many of you that in the middle of the day you are overcome by terrible fatigue and experience a sharp loss of strength. This is the norm for the body, because our heart works, pumps blood throughout the body. And it requires recharging from time to time. I cope with fatigue on one count, thanks to what do you think? Of course, food. But what kind of food? What should you eat to cheer yourself up? Definitely not a sandwich! 🙂 And a delicious, vitamin-rich energy bar. These are cereals, nuts, dried fruits - which means benefits! Plus, the recipe for cereal bars is very simple.

Ingredients for 7-8 bars:

  • 200 g dates
  • 80-100 ml drinking water
  • 220 grams of assorted grains, oatmeal and nuts (in this case I have oatmeal, chopped walnuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, poppy seeds)
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon (optional)

Cooking method:

  1. First, make some delicious date “glue.” By the way, there is already a blogrecipe for similar bars , only on berry puree. The berries are not as sticky as dates, but they also hold dry ingredients together well. So, the dates need to be pitted and placed in a saucepan. Pour 80 ml of water over the dates (if the dates are a bit dry, add more water). Also, I add cinnamon here, it gives it a unique aroma. But if you don't like this spice, then just don't use it. Mix the ingredients and simmer over low heat until the dates are well softened.
  2. In just 6-8 minutes you will get this puree. Using a fork, use a fork to puree the dates until smooth. Cool the mixture slightly.
  3. Meanwhile, mix all the seeds, nuts and oatmeal in a deep bowl (the proportions are not particularly important here, I took a third of the oatmeal, a lot of different seeds and the least amount of nuts and poppy seeds). Mix all ingredients.
  4. Add the date puree and stir the mixture well until smooth. You will get this sticky and thick dough.
  5. Preheat the oven to 175 C. Prepare a heat-resistant pan, cover it with parchment if the pan is not non-stick. Pour the mixture into the mold and smooth it out.
  6. Bake at 175 C for 30 minutes. Be careful not to burn the top, it depends on your oven! I have convection, so everything bakes normally, and you take into account the features of your oven.
  7. Remove the finished layer from the oven and cool completely. Cut it into bars only when it has cooled, otherwise it may crumble. An energy bar is a great snack for when you feel tired during the workday!

Many healthy eating enthusiasts prefer to make their own muesli for breakfast. A mixture consisting of cereals, dried fruits, nuts, bran, seeds, sprouts and other ingredients is considered very beneficial for the body.

Muesli can be raw or baked. Raw muesli consists of thermally unprocessed products. At the same time, the muesli baked during the production process is mixed and baked with juice, honey, and yogurt. They can have a crumbly consistency or come in pressed form. “Roots” bars are exactly those pressed and baked muesli. Meanwhile, regardless of the form of release, their benefits do not become less.

History of Roots bars

The history of “Roots” bars began back in 1900 with the preparation of a tasty and healthy muesli mixture by a Swiss doctor, which he offered to taste to the patients of his clinic. They became especially popular in the 60s of the same century, and 10 years later the world’s first candy bar based on a mixture of cereals, nuts and dried fruits was made in America.

It was these events that served as the impetus for the creation of the Corny bar. This happened in 1984 at a confectionery factory in the city of Bad Schwartau (Germany), where delicious and healthy “Roots” bars, known throughout the world, have been produced for many years. To this day, all products of the brand undergo strict quality control to ensure compliance with high European requirements.

Varieties of Roots bars

You can find 2 types of “Roots” bars on sale. These are two completely different products, which are produced under the same brand name Corny, but at the same time they differ from each other in production technology, composition, taste, and packaging.

The Corny Big bar is available in a 50 g package. This is a real cereal product that tastes like baked and compressed muesli. On sale you can see the Corny Big bar with the flavors of cranberry, banana and chocolate, coconut and hazelnut, peanut with chocolate, raisin and walnut. Products with the word “chocolate” in their names are half covered with delicious glaze.

Milk bars (Corny Milk) are produced in packages weighing 30 g. They contain no more than 40% cereal flakes and a lot of milk, but this does not make them any less tasty and healthy. Korni Milk bars are produced with cocoa and classic milk flavors.

Large bar “Roots”: composition and calorie content

Corny bars come in different flavors and have different ingredients. For example, cranberry-flavored candies are made from roasted whole grains, honey, sugar and pieces. In addition, the composition of this product includes: glucose syrup with fructose, cereal and corn flakes, oil, acidity regulator citric acid, emulsifier sunflower lecithin, salt . The calorie content of this bar is 388 kcal per 100. In general, the composition is not so harmless compared to a natural cereal mixture.

The “Roots” chocolate bar, which already has 448 kcal, has a slightly different composition. It contains not only valuable cereals, but also delicate milk chocolate. In addition, the product contains the following ingredients: with fructose, crushed roasted peanuts, sugar, coconut oil, corn flakes, honey, salt, emulsifier sunflower lecithin, natural butterscotch cream flavor.

The calorie content of “Korni” bars with other flavors is 418-482 kcal.

Corny milk bars

Corny Milk bars come in two flavors and differ slightly in composition and calorie content. At the same time, they are equally tasty and healthy.

The traditional Corny Milk bar is made with roasted whole grains, honey, rice flour, milk and corn flakes, as well as other ingredients that increase the shelf life of the product in the package. It is enriched with calcium, and its calorie content is 442 kcal per 100 g.

Cocoa-flavored Korney Milk bars will appeal more to those people who do not like milk. The calorie content of this product is 457 kcal. Cereal flakes, cocoa, milk, syrups, vegetable oil, vanilla extract, etc. are used in its production.

“Roots” bars: benefits and harm to the body

The beneficial properties of the “Roots” bar for the body are as follows:

  • pressed muesli is a valuable source of fast and slow carbohydrates, which help instantly satisfy hunger and maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time;
  • the bars contain five valuable grains (oats, rice, corn, wheat and barley), which are rich in fiber and coarse dietary fiber, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cereals, nuts, seeds, milk are important sources of vitamins necessary for normal heart function, building the bone skeleton, and strengthening the nervous system;
  • Thanks to Corny bars, vitality increases, performance increases, immunity is strengthened, and mood improves.

Meanwhile, tasty bars can bring not only benefits to the body, but also harm, since such nutrition often leads to weight gain. This, in turn, can negatively affect your health. Roots bars are contraindicated:

  • people with diabetes, since such products are characterized by a high sugar content and have a high glycemic index;
  • Persons with diseases of the stomach and intestines can only use the bars after consulting a doctor.

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