Conversation with children on the topic of astronautics. Lesson summary for Cosmonautics Day in the senior group. Massage to relieve eye strain

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Performed by the teacher of the second junior group “Moth” Sidorenko Yu.V.

Educational: to form children’s understanding of planet Earth, to introduce the first cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin.

Developmental: expand children’s ideas about the profession of a pilot-cosmonaut,

stimulate the development of speech, memory, thinking, develop imagination, fantasy.

Educational: to instill respect for the profession of an astronaut, to teach respect for planet Earth.

Vocabulary: Earth, sky, star, planet, sun, moon, space, rocket, astronaut.

Material for the conversation: image of the Earth, Sun, Moon, telescope, spacesuit. Photos of cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin, the first animals to be in space: Belki and Strelki.

Progress of the conversation: (The teacher begins the conversation) The Earth is the planet on which we live, it is the only planet in the solar system on which life exists. People, plants and animals live on Earth because there is water and air. It revolves around the Sun and is the most beautiful and interesting of all the planets. The Sun is the closest star to Earth. Without the Sun there would be no life on Earth. Everything that happens on our planet is connected with the Sun: the change of day and night, the onset of winter or summer. During the day, the sun warms and illuminates our planet. All living things rejoice in sunlight and warmth. With the sunrise, nature awakens and comes to life.

In the evening we can see the moon and stars in the sky. The Moon is the Earth's satellite. It shines brightly in the night sky. People have always wanted to visit the moon, fly to the stars, and see the Earth from space.

— Would you guys like to become astronauts?

—Who are astronauts?

—What do you think an astronaut should be like? (healthy, strong, knowledgeable, hardworking, courageous, resilient, etc.).

- What can you see in the sky? (stars)

- How many stars are there in the sky? (uncountable number)

The sky above our head is strewn with many stars. They look like small sparkling dots and are located far from the Earth. In fact, the stars are very large. And then one day, a man was looking at the starry sky and he wanted to know what kind of stars they were and why they were so bright. Scientists came up with special instruments - telescopes, observed and learned that there are other planets.

But people wanted to know if there was life on other planets. What creatures live there, are they similar to us, is there air on other planets. But to find out, you must fly to them. Airplanes were not suitable for this. Who knows why? (because the planets are very far away). And so scientists invented the first satellite, installed instruments on it and launched it into outer space. There were two dogs on board - a squirrel and an arrow, they successfully returned to Earth. And then in 1961, the first man went into space.

The first person who was able to go on a space journey was cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. He made his flight on April 12, 1961 on a Vostok rocket. On this day, our country celebrates “Cosmonautics Day”. This is a holiday of astronauts and people who participate in the creation of space rockets.

Physical exercise "Rocket".

One, two - there is a rocket (hands up)

Three, four - airplane (arms to the sides)

One, two - clap your hands

And then on every account.

One, two, three, four - and they walked around in place,

Tick-tock, tick-tock - all day like this (hands on waist, bending to the side)

Didactic game "Family of Words".

Let's play and form words from one family for the word "star".

How can you affectionately call a Star? (star)

If there are many Stars in the sky, then we will say what it is like? (stellar)

What is the name of the ship that flies to the stars? (starship)

What do they call a wizard in fairy tales who predicts the future from the stars? (astrologer)

Well done! Today you have learned a lot about space, astronauts, about our planet, and I think that you can be enrolled in the cosmonaut corps.

Summary of the conversation.

1. What is the name of our planet?

2. What is the sun for?

3. When can we get a good look at the moon?

4. What was the name of the man who first flew into space?

Goals: consolidate children’s knowledge on the topic “Space”, practice the skill of selecting related words, consolidate the skill of sound analysis, continue to teach how to coordinate nouns with numerals, select opposite words, expand and enrich children’s vocabulary; develop phonemic hearing, logical thinking, memory, reasoning; education of moral feelings.

Equipment: portraits of astronauts, diagrams for sound analysis, subject pictures: astronaut in zero gravity, spacesuit, spaceship, moon

Progress of the lesson.

I.Organizing time.

Call each other affectionately.

II.Main part

1. Introductory conversation

Guys, what holiday does the whole country celebrate on April 12? ( children's answer). That's right - Cosmonautics Day.

People have always been attracted by the unknown. Human exploration of outer space began a long time ago. First, satellites were launched into space, and then humans were sent to conquer space.

– Who was the first astronaut? (Yuri Gagarin). We will always remember this brave man. No matter how many new feats are accomplished, he will always remain a hero.

Guys, do you know the first woman astronaut? ( Valentina Tereshkova). Which other astronauts do you know? ( Portraits of astronauts are displayed on the board one by one.). (The second woman is cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya, the first cosmonaut to go into outer space - Leonov).

A lot of people helped prepare space flights: scientists, designers, military personnel and many builders and workers who built the cosmodrome, assembled the rocket, and trained astronauts.

Do you think everyone can be an astronaut? What should a person be like who is preparing to fly into space? ( Qualities).

What is the name of the transport on which astronauts fly?

What is the name of the suit in which an astronaut flies?

Where does your journey begin?

What is the state of an astronaut in space called?

Who can tell me what planet you and I live on?

Guys, maybe some of you remember the names of these planets?

2. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Let's try to prepare for the flight. Maybe in the future someone will have such an opportunity.

3. Game “Which word is different from others?”

You must raise the signal flag when you hear an extra word.

1) Astronomer, astronomer, astronomer, gastronomer, astronomer.

Which word is missing?

Who is an astronomer?

What is a grocery store?

2) Satellite, satellite, traveler, satellite, satellite.

Which word is missing?

Who is a traveler?

What is a satellite?

What do these words have in common?

4. Sound-syllable analysis of a word MOON.

Guess the riddle.

At night there is only one pale-faced... (moon) in the sky.

They offer to complete the sound-syllable pattern of the word MOON.

We lay out a diagram of the word MOON. The picture is displayed.

Physical exercise.

There lived an astrologer on the moon - (“Looking” through a telescope)

He kept track of the planets: (Point to the sky with his hand)

Mercury - once, (Describe a circle with your hands)

Venus-two-s, (Cotton)

Three - earth, four - Mars, (Sit down)

Five - Jupiter, six - Saturn, (Tilt right-left)

Seven - Uranus, eight - Neptune, (Lean forward, bend back)

If you don't see it, get out! (Spread your arms to the sides)

5. Count to 5

Guys, what does an astronaut see through the window? (constellations, planets, comets)

Let's count how many constellations we saw?

One constellation, two constellations, three constellations, four constellations, five constellations);

One distant planet, two... .

One artificial satellite,... .

6. Game "Related Words".

You are on the surface of the Moon, answer me, what did you do? — they landed on the moon.

What kind of ground did you land on? - to the lunar one.

What is another name for the inhabitants of the Moon? - sleepwalkers.

What kind of transport goes on the Moon? — lunar rover.

What do these words have in common? What should we call them?

7. Game "Say the opposite".

Far close,

high - low,

fly away - fly in,

take off - land,

bright - dim,

cramped - spacious.

III.Summary of the lesson.

Graphic dictation “Rocket”

teacher-speech therapist MBDOU kindergarten "Luchik"

combined type

Oryol region, Bolkhov, Russia

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group, topic: “Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten”


Introduce children to the history of the Cosmonautics Day holiday.
Give initial information about the planets, the Sun, the Moon.
Dictionary: space, planets, spaceship, Yuri Gagarin.
Reinforce your knowledge of geometric shapes.
Improve visual skills.
Develop spatial imagination, fine and gross motor skills.
Cultivate curiosity.


Pictures depicting a portrait of Yu. Gagarin, dogs Belka and Strelka, constellations, the Moon.
A set of geometric shapes, a sample of a rocket made up of these shapes.
Sheets of paper with drawn aliens and rockets made from geometric shapes, pencils.
Drawings of constellations.
Cardboard with a cut circle, yellow and orange paint, sponges, drawing equipment.

Progress of the lesson:

Since ancient times, people have looked at the sky and thought about how to rise above the clouds and find out what is there. It took a long, long time before people learned to build healing devices. And the first to fly into them were not people, but animals: rats, and then dogs. Take a look at this picture. (Show). On it you can see the first dogs. Who flew into space and came back. Their names are Belka and Strelka. And only after other dogs had successfully flown into space did the first man go there.
Many years ago, it was on this day that cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin flew into space. (Display of a portrait of Yuri Gagarin).

In a space rocket
With the name "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.

Since then, on this day every year we celebrate Cosmonautics Day - a holiday of astronauts and everyone who helps them fly successfully into space.

Today you and I will play as astronauts: we’ll go on a flight in a spaceship, help aliens, and observe the constellations.

Yuri Gagarin flew into space on a rocket. Using the example of a ball, I will show you how a rocket flies.

The teacher inflates the balloon and closes the hole with his fingers. And then he unclenches his fingers and the ball shoots up sharply.

Our balloon flew like a rocket - it moved forward as long as there was air in it. But the rocket contains not air, but fuel.

Now let's build our own rockets from geometric shapes.

Didactic game “Build a rocket”

Children are offered a sample and a set of geometric shapes. From which you need to build a rocket.

Dynamic pause “Cosmonauts land on planets”

Hoops of different sizes and sizes are laid out on the floor. Children are divided into two teams “East” and “Lightning” and perform the commands:
Crew members of the Vostok spacecraft, line up one behind the other.
Crew members of the spaceship "Molniya", stand in a circle.
The crew of the Vostok spacecraft landed on the large yellow planet.
The crew of the spaceship "Molniya" landed on two small blue planets.

Astronauts and scientists have found that there is no life on the planets that revolve around our Sun: some are too cold, others are too hot. Nobody lives on these planets.

Only our planet Earth
Suitable for habitation in every way.
After all, the Earth is a garden planet
In this cold space.
Only here the forests are noisy,
Calling migratory birds.
Take care of your planet -
After all, there is no other one like it!

But maybe somewhere far, far away, near another star. There are living beings on distant planets. We call those who live on other planets “extraterrestrials.” Now the aliens need our help: we need to help them find their spaceships.

Didactic game “Place aliens in spaceships”

Look at the sheet and answer me, children:
Who flies which rocket?

On a sheet of paper, aliens are drawn from geometric shapes and rockets in the shape of the same shapes. You need to connect with a line the images of a rocket and an alien, consisting of identical geometric shapes.

Over the Earth late at night,
Just extend your hand
You'll grab the stars:
They seem nearby.
You can take a Peacock feather,
Touch the hands on the Clock,
Ride the Dolphin
Swing on Libra.
Over the Earth late at night,
If you glance at the sky,
You will see, like grapes,
The constellations hang there.

Didactic game “Name the constellations”

Guys, astronomers - scientists who observe and study the stars - have discovered new constellations in the sky and ask us to help come up with names for them.
Place your hands in a tube behind each other, as if looking through a telescope, and look carefully at this constellation. What can you call it?


When we look at the sky at night, what do we see? (Show the picture. Children's answers). Stars and moon.
The Moon is a satellite of our planet Earth.

Only the sun goes to bed,
The moon can't sit still.
Walks across the sky at night,
Dimly illuminates the earth.

Now our rocket will go to the Moon. There we will draw a lunar portrait. But first, let's prepare our fingers.

Finger gymnastics

(Two palms connected crosswise to each other with fingers spread apart)

(Palms connected with index, middle and ring fingers, lower parts of palms apart, wrists on the table)

(Run your fingers over the surface of the table, avoiding all the irregularities, sideways, like a “spider”)

Painting with a sponge “Moon”

Children are asked to place a sheet of cardboard with a circle cut in it on a sheet of black paper and, using a sponge, apply paint to the circle (not smearing, but pressing). Then carefully remove the cardboard and use your fingers to draw crater circles.

And we live with you on the planet... Earth.

We strive for miracles
But there is nothing more wonderful
How to fly and return
Under the roof of your house!

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film “The Rogue Song,” about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in America. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Section materials

Lessons for the younger group:

Classes for the middle group.

Summary of direct educational activities in
preparatory group dedicated to Cosmonautics Day.
Topic: “Profession of astronaut”
Age of pupils: 67 years (preparatory group)
Time: 30 35 minutes
Form of implementation: frontal work
Goal: Clarification and expansion of children’s knowledge and ideas about the history of space, about
the first heroes flying into space, about the peculiarities of the life of astronauts.
Integration of educational areas: Cognitive development, social
communicative development, physical development, speech development.
Educational: deepen children’s knowledge about the history of appearance and development
profession of an astronaut, expand the knowledge of preschoolers about the first astronauts,
to form children's ideas about the peculiarities of work and rest of astronauts in
Developmental: to form cognitive interest in the topic of space, to develop
communication skills (through questions on the topic), imagination, memory,
focused attention of preschoolers (through the use of visual
methods of work), the ability to reason, draw conclusions (through organization
feedback at the end of the event).
Educational: to cultivate a respectful attitude towards the profession
astronaut, curiosity in preschoolers, to cultivate love and respect for
to your country and small homeland, to the people who glorify it.
Materials for the lesson: portraits of astronauts, illustrations of space,
space rockets, satellites, astronaut suit, starry sky illustrations,
Preliminary work:
Examination of illustrations about space, cosmic phenomena, astronauts. Conversation
“Our solar system”, “How man conquered space”, introduction to the map
Solar system.
Progress of the lesson.
Introductory part:

Q: I want to start today’s lesson with this riddle. Listen:
First they spun it in a centrifuge,
And then they dressed me in a heavy spacesuit.
He's in a spacesuit, with insurance
Entered orbit.
He corrected the ship deftly
The cable is broken.
Children's answers. (Astronaut)
Q: Well done! This is an astronaut.
Shows a picture.
Teacher: What are the astronauts wearing in space? Guess this one
It's always cold in space
There is no summer.
The astronaut, checking the cable,
He puts something on.
Those clothes will provide
Both warmth and oxygen.
Children's answers. (Space suit)
Shows a picture.
Q: There is weightlessness in Space, and there is no air. Therefore, without a spacesuit in
open space will not be released, but a huge one is placed on the astronaut’s head
a pressure helmet, and on the astronaut’s shoulders a heavy backpack with cylinders full of air.
Without a spacesuit, the astronaut will either burn in the scorching rays of the Sun or freeze in
the icy darkness of space, where sunlight does not reach.
Q: Children, do you like to look at the starry sky?
Children's answers.
Q: Can you count how many stars there are in the sky?
Children's answers.

Q: Yes, there are countless of them (shows pictures of the starry sky) and from deep
in ancient times, people dreamed of flying like birds, finding out what the stars are and why they are so
glow brightly. What fairy tale heroes used to take to the skies: air
in a ball, on a broom, on an airplane carpet. Centuries passed, people managed to conquer the air
space of the Earth. First they came up with an airship. Who knows what this is?
Children's answers
Q: An airship is a large balloon to which a cabin is attached from below,
to manage it. (shows a picture)
Then they built an airplane, but they were replaced by high-speed airplanes and
helicopters. And finally, human engineers built the fastest air
transport, and guess which one, guess the riddle.
Wonderbird, scarlet tail
Arrived in a flock of stars
What is this?
Children's answers. (Rocket)
Shows a picture.
Q: Well done! It's a rocket! Make yourself comfortable, now I need yours
eyes and ears to look carefully at the pictures and listen to the cosmic
Main part:
Q: So, a rocket is the fastest air transport, but who can fly on
He is not a pilot, not a pilot,
He's not flying a plane,
And a huge rocket
Children, who, tell me, is this?
Children's answers. (Astronaut)
Q: How attentive and smart you all are! Well done! Of course they can fly on a rocket
Q: How many of you know who was the first to fly into space?

Children's answers
Q: The first to fly into space were our Russian dogs, cosmonauts -
Belka and Strelka. The first animals to fly into space
returned to Earth unharmed. Their flight lasted more than 25 hours, during which time
the ship made 17 orbits around the Earth. Shows a picture.
Q: But dogs don’t know how to fly a spaceship, he, like anyone else
the other transport must have a commander. And then people sent into space
human astronaut. What do you think, who is an astronaut?
Children's answers
Q: An astronaut is a specially trained person who conducts tests on
on board a spacecraft in space flight, an astronaut can also be called
space engineer, because he also repairs space stations, leads
observations of our planet from space. What is the name of our planet? Guess
such a mystery.
No beginning, no end
No back of the head, no face.
Everyone knows, both young and old,
That she is a huge ball.
Children's answers. (Earth)
Q: What other planets do you know?
Children's answers.
Q: Guess this riddle.
Lights the way at night,
Doesn't let the stars sleep.
Let everyone sleep, she has no time for sleep,
There is light in the sky for us... (Moon)
Children's answers.
Q: In order to count all the planets for you and me, I suggest playing with your fingers.
Finger game "Planets"
For each name of the planet, children bend their fingers.

All planets in order
Any of us can name:
Once Mercury,
Two Venus,
Three Earth,
Four Mars.
Five Jupiter,
Six Saturn,
Seven Uranus,
Neptune is behind him.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.
Q: How many planets have we counted?
Children's answers (nine)
Q: Guys, to live and work in a spaceship, you have to be very
educated and healthy person. You need to undergo special training. You
want to become an astronaut?
Children's answers (yes.)
Q: – then let’s practice.
Physical education minute.
To fly into space, you need to be able to do a lot.
Be healthy, don’t be lazy, do well in school.
And we will do exercises every day, we are not too lazy!
Turn left to right and go back again,
Squat, jump and run, run, run.
And then walk more and more quietly and sit down again.

Q: Let’s all take our seats. Now let's listen to the history of space flight.
Q: On April 12, 1962, for the first time in the world, a Russian spacecraft went into flight
a ship called "Vostok" with a man on board. It was Yuri Alekseevich
Gagarin. His flight lasted 1 hour 48 minutes. For this flight to Yuri Alekseevich
Gagarin was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Shows portrait
In a space rocket called "Vostok"
He was the first on the planet to rise to the stars.
The spring drops sing songs about this:
Gagarin and April will be together forever.
Q: What holiday does our country celebrate every year on April 12?
Children's answers.
Q: Well done! Cosmonautics Day!
Not only men fly into space, but also women. The world's first woman -
an astronaut who made a space flight alone is Valentina
Vladimirovna Tereshkova. Shows a portrait.
Q: Guys, please tell me, anyone can become an astronaut and fly
into the space?
Children's answers
Q: Not every person can become an astronaut. At first they were selected to become cosmonauts
only military pilots, then engineers, doctors, scientists flew into space.
In Russia there are special units for training cosmonauts for life in space, there
future cosmonauts are trained on special simulators:
sports, live in special cells, test their capabilities on various
rotating projectiles, study the spacecraft, learn to control and operate it
On him.
Q: Guys, what should an astronaut be like?
Children's answers
Q: Life in Space is very different from life on Earth. Why do you think?
Children's answers.

Q: Therefore, an astronaut must, first of all, be healthy, strong and smart.
Do you guys know what astronauts eat? Guess this riddle.
There is no frying pan in space
And there is no saucepan either.
There is porridge and herring here,
And borscht and vinaigrette
Packaged like cream!
I'll be an astronaut.
Something I'll eat from
No dishes at all. (Tube)
Children's answers.
Q: Here in the picture that I show you is the food they eat
astronauts: soups, cereals, drinks - everything is in tubes, since ordinary food will fly
around the ship and is difficult to put into your mouth, crumbs or liquid may get into
control devices and then the ship will fail and the astronauts will not be able to

Conversation on the topic: "Cosmonautics Day"

Conducted by teacher: Tyagusheva T.N.

1. Foster children’s interest in astronauts; teach them to admire their heroic work, to be proud that the first cosmonaut was a Russian. Expand your understanding of space flight.
2. To consolidate children’s knowledge that we live on planet Earth; there are other planets, stars, constellations in space.


1. Enrich children's musical experience. Develop emotional responsiveness to music.
2. Continue to strengthen the ability to solve a crossword puzzle and break words into sounds.
3. Continue to develop children’s interest in fiction and educational literature. Develop creative imagination.

1. Illustrations on the theme “Space” (portraits of astronauts, types of rockets, satellites, starry sky, diagram of planets).
2. Recording songs about astronauts (“I am Earth” by V. Muradeli, E. Dolmatov.)
3. Paper rockets according to the number of children.
4. Model with an astronaut and aliens.

Part 1.
To put children in a positive mood on the theme “Space”, play the game “Rockets”.
There are paper “rockets” laid out on the table, one or two fewer than the children.
Children walk in a circle, responding to the words “there is no room for latecomers” with “rockets”.
Fast rockets are waiting for us
For walks on the planets,
Whatever we want
Let's fly to this one!
But there is one secret in the game -
There is no room for latecomers.
Repeat the game 2-3 times, removing 1-2 “missiles” each time. Invite the children to count how many children and how many “rockets” there are, are there enough “rockets” for everyone, if not, then how many fewer there are.
Conversation with children.
Educator: Guys, do you know what a significant day will be soon?
Children: April 12 “Cosmonautics Day”
Educator: shows a portrait of Yu. A. Gagarin and asks: Do you know who this is? Tell us what you know about Yu. A. Gagarin.
Children: Yu.A. Gagarin was the first person to fly into space. He rose high, high above the earth in a spaceship. People who fly into space are called pilots - cosmonauts.
Educator: Reading the story “First in Space” by V. Borozdin.
Educator: Being an astronaut is not only honorable, but also very difficult. You must be brave, decisive, persistent, resourceful and, most importantly, comprehensively educated.
The teacher points to an illustration with a rocket and says: “The spacecraft is equipped with very complex equipment, and the astronaut must know it all perfectly in order to be able to work on it, and in case of a breakdown, to urgently repair it. Astronauts fly into space to conduct scientific research; They study the climate of the Earth, other planets, study how plants behave in zero gravity, and conduct many other useful studies. The teacher looks at the illustrations with the children.
Questions for children:
1) Name the first female cosmonaut (Valentina Tereshkova)
2) Which cosmonaut was the first to go into outer space (Alexey Leonov)
3) Do you remember which animals were the first to fly into space? (dogs: Laika, and then Belka and Strelka)
Educator: There are many poems and songs about astronauts.
Includes a recording of the song “I am the Earth” by music. V. Muradeli, words by E. Dolmatov.
Asks questions about the lyrics of the song.
The teacher invites the children to solve a crossword puzzle and asks riddles.

1. Bottomless ocean,
The endless ocean
Airless, dark
And extraordinary
Universes live in it,
Stars and comets,
There are also inhabited
Maybe planets. (space)

2. On an airship,
Cosmic, obedient,
We are outrunning the wind
We're riding a (rocket)

3. Yellow plate
Hangs in the sky
Yellow plate
Gives warmth to everyone. (Sun)

4. An icy object is flying,
His tail is a strip of light,
And the name of the object is (comet)

5. Lights the way at night,
Doesn't let the stars sleep,
Let everyone sleep, she has no time for sleep,
Will not fall asleep in the sky (moon)
Part 2.
Physical education lesson: “Pass the cotton”
Children stand in a circle. The first child claps in front of himself, then claps on the neighbor’s palm, and so on in a circle.
The teacher and the children look at the star map.
Asking questions.
Find the constellation Ursa Major. How many stars are in this constellation? (seven)
What is the brightest star in the Northern Hemisphere? (polar)
How many planets are there in the solar system? (seven)
Which ones do you know? (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.
Educator: What other stars and constellations do we learn from V. P. Lepilov’s poem “Cosmic Tale”?

Reads a poem.
Educator: Guys, let's play with you.
Introduces a model with “astronaut” and “aliens”,
They consider it with children.
Imagine that you are astronauts. You have arrived on an unfamiliar planet, where you are met by aliens. They do not know the earthly language and you must show with gestures that you are from planet Earth and have arrived in peace.
Children improvise.
After the game, the teacher summarizes what new and interesting things the children learned.
1.The tasks and goals of this educational activity were almost all completed.
2. All specified educational areas were implemented.
3. The children were interested in this topic and actively answered questions.
4. The children had an emotional – positive attitude when listening to the song and when participating in the game.

Literature: 1. Tsvetkov V.I. Space. Complete encyclopedia / V.I. Tsvetkov. Il. N. Krasnova. - M.: EKSMO 2005.

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